
Showing posts from March, 2013

Cypriots and the President's Ability to Kill

My latest column, a shorty , it begins: There are so many concepts and ideas swirling in my head this week, but nothing with enough concreteness to justify a column's worth of brain dump. So I think I'll jump back to simpler times and instead give my two cents on a couple current events. Let's talk about Cyprus and their thieving government (but I repeat myself) and the power of the US president.

Grizzlies @ Utah's Hogle Zoo

The grizzlies were extra playful on Friday during our trip to the zoo. The one was working hard to get the others into the water. I only caught 2.5 minutes of it, but they were playing for some time before that and after.

My Road to Liberty Went Through Economics

My latest column is on my journey through economics, it begins : I understand that many libertarians, including Stefan Molyneux, argue that ethical and moral arguments for liberty are superior to arguing on the consequences of libertarian principles, and that consequentialism should, at least, take a back seat to ethics and morality. I suppose that works for some people, but its not how I became a libertarian. Though my journey of truth seeking began with religion, the fork that went toward liberty had its first stop at economics. I want to share the exact path I took to better understand the economics of liberty. I hope it proves beneficial to others.

My Reasons For Voluntaryism

This week's column is a follow-up to last weeks . It begins: Last week, I discussed my values as a voluntaryist and how they guided my behavior as both a member of society and a member of my family. This week, and more appropriate for this column, I'd like to discuss the reasons for the values I hold as a voluntaryist. They are many and varied, from the ethical and moral to the consequential. One caveat, I wan't to be careful not to engage in "moralizing." Though I have moral reasons for some of my values, I recognize that morality is largely subjective in nature. Who's to say that my morals are superior to yours? Instead, I'll discuss (what I believe are) the logical consequences of my morals and you can determine how attractive they are.

Voluntaryism as a System of Values

My latest columns is now up at EVC, it begins: I will own this interpretation, but I think that all voluntaryism really comes down to is a system of values. Looking over the last few years, I can see that what has been the primary mover in my evolution toward freedom are the change in values that I hold. And each change was preceded be a conscious, free will decision to accept some new idea. That's very important; to know that I was never coerced into changing my values. Many of the ideas that I discovered held great intellectual weight for me, but the choice to accept them was completely voluntary. Whether or not I would accept the idea had mostly to do with other, more basic values that I hold, such as truth , justice , and logical consistency . As a system of values, here is what voluntaryism is to me .

LPL - February 2013 Update

As of the end of February 2013, 135 libertarian and economics books have been made available in large print at . LPL ended the month of January 2013 with 135 offerings. Through the end of February, 358 books sold in the US, Europe, and Great Britain. Murray Rothbard's  For a New Liberty   sold the most at 67 copies; followed by Carl Menger's  Principles of Economics  at 20 copies, and Etienne de La Boetie's The Politics of Obedience  at 19 copies. Of the 358 books that have sold, 275 copies went to the US (dollars), 47 copies went to Great Britain (pounds), and 36 copies went to mainland Europe (euros). My progress on the Journal of Libertarian Studies continues (very slowly at the moment). I've made available 11 volumes in large print. I will not be making available regular print as per the agreement with my printer.