The following was posted in a Mormon-based Facebook group to spur discussion: according to mormon doctrine (still looking for the scriptural reference, so bear with me, and the following does not depend on this being the case) we are only accountable to the law (of god) that we have "received. that begs the question, what does it mean to "receive" the law? does simply hearing someone say it, like a preacher, qualify? must it be read in scripture? must it be heard over and over and over again, a certain number of times over a certain number of day/years? or, must it be communicated to us explicitly by God himself (or an agent that can objectively show their agency from God)? since I've read non-Mormon scriptures and heard non-Mormon preachers, if anything but the latter, than I must be accountable to disparate laws of god. that seems like an irrational requirement, and simply put, i'm not interested in existing in an irrational world/universe. (or, if our univ...