Employer Surveys

I have two main customers, one that I sell 40 hours a week of my software testing services to, and the other around 25 hours a week of my cashier services. I'm about to publish a book in which I well sell or give away free to several more customers. I hope to publish more, and find even more customers (and repeat customers) to satisfy.

The above is how I see myself, as a business, which is why I find it a bit odd when either of my main customers give me a survey to rate them with. I can't imagine my smaller customers ever doing that, and I can't imagine ever sending surveys to the businesses I patronize in order to gauge my performance as their customer. It seems really odd from my perspective, the perspective of a business owner.

Of course, my customers gauge me from time to time, and my two main customers will analyze the performance of my services annually. This makes sense. If they are to continue patronizing me, they must be certain that my value is worth their dollar. But I don't really have the same need to gauge my customers in the same manner that they gauge me. I sell them my services every day. If I no longer like the arrangement, I'll find new customers.

I don't care for "employer surveys" and find them a waste of time. Since my customers pressure me so heavily to take them, I oblige (for now), but I don't put any concern in their results are care to discuss their plans to improve. Perhaps they want to remain suitable customers. If my customers want to satisfy me, they can pay more for my services. That's all that really matters, after all.
